Monday, November 3, 2014

Body Beast

Body Beast changed my life for the better!

This is a message from Damon White.

My older brother would always do pull-ups whenever he wanted to, but to the downside I could not do a single one.  I was jealous.  All I ever wanted to do was one pull up.  So one day my mom said that Beachbody was coming out with a new program called Body Beast.   She believed if I did the program, I would be strong enough to do my pull-up.  So we ordered it.  In fact, she was right!  At the end of that I did my pull-up.

So I recommend  this work out program to anyone who wants to build muscle mass with great strength.  FYI, if you do this you will get ripped with six-pack an all.

What is Body Beast™?

Body Beast™ is a new, innovative, comprehensive bodybuilding system proven to add 10 pounds of muscle in just 90 days. Created by Sagi Kalev, world-renowned trainer and former two-time Mr. Israel, Body Beast combines extreme workout, groundbreaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced supplementation.
Whether you're new to lifting weights or are a certified gym rat,
Body Beast will deliver results beyond what you imagined possible.
  • Body Beast includes 12 different cutting-edge workouts that fuse the best of old school resistance training with a new breakthrough in sports science called Dynamic Set Training™
  • Increases in resistance, power, tempo and volume lead to greater muscle gain and fast results.
  • The Body Beast Eating Plan helps you increase in size, maintain new muscle growth, and cut up to be in competition shape.
  • Four new extreme supplements specifically designed to enhance growth and performance.
Why is Body Beast so effective?

One word: Testosterone.

It's the primary hormone your body calls upon to develop muscle mass, and Dynamic Set Training is designed around enhancing your production of it. The more testosterone your body makes, the faster you get big. With Body Beast, different training strategies are employed-from Prefatigue Sets to Drop, Force, and Tempo Sets-creating greater time under tension and a faster and more effective workout.
What makes Body Beast unique?
The three phases. Body Beast has three specially designed phases, to help you Build, Bulk, and become a Beast. Build, the first phase, focuses on creating a strong foundation physically and nutritionally, while getting your head in the game for Phase 2. Bulk, the second phase, is where size begins to show and your body really begins to change, And Beast, the final phase, is where you cut up, get chiseled, and get ready for competition. In just 90 days, you truly can become a Beast.                                                   Click Now

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